Measures against the spread of coronavirus and travelling to Belgium

From 12 August it is mandatory to ware a mask in all public spaces in Brussels region except when doing sport. Additional information from Visit Brussels website.

Starting from 01 August it is obligatory to fill in a Passenger Locator Form before entering Belgium. The form can be found on Please see comprehensive information about entering Belgium on the website of FPS Foreign Affairs.

From Wednesday, 29 July the following new measures need to be taken in Belgium:

  • Social bubble of a household has to be reduced to 5 persons (under 12 years old children not included). These 5 persons need to be the same during the following month.
  • Family gatherings are limited to 10 persons maximum (under 12 years old children not included).
  • The maximum number of participants for inside public events is 100 and for outdoor events 200.
  • Teleworking is highly recommended.
  • Shopping must be done alone and during 30 minutes maximum.

These measures stay in force at least until the end of August. More information and latest news on